
    TAMURA ELSOLD Recycling Program

    Safe natural ressources and protect the environment!

    TAMURA ELSOLD Recycling Services
    TAMURA ELSOLD invested to expand the capabilties to take back and recycle metal waste streams directly into reusable high-purity materials.
    This process has been established with the latest environmentally friendly recycling facilities at the site in Goslar.

    TAMURA ELSOLD is your single source and offers its full support and know-how in the field of metal recycling.
    We help our customers to process their scrap metal while delivering the highest possible value to them.

    The TAMURA ELSOLD recycling program offers:

    - free metal buckets for collecting and transport of scrap metal
    - free assessment for the delivered scrap metal
    - issuance of a certificate and a specification about the recycled material
    - fast processing and speedy compensation
    - confirmation according to EU regulation


    TAMURA ELSOLDwill assist you with the following scrap metal waste:

    - Solder pastes and their packaging, separated by leaded and lead-free alloys

    - Solder dross, ashes and pot metals

    - All kinds of alloys, separated by leaded and lead-free materials


    Contact us to learn more about the details and procedures. 
    Go in touch with us:

    >> Download Flyer TAMURA ELSOLD Recycling

    Telefon:  +49 (0)39 452 48 79 11